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Schema is the abstract base class that all schema type inherit from. It provides a number of base methods and properties to all other schema types.

Note: unless you are creating a custom schema type, Schema should never be used directly. For unknown/any types use mixed()

Schema.clone(): Schema​

Creates a deep copy of the schema. Clone is used internally to return a new schema with every schema state change.

Schema.label(label: string): Schema​

Overrides the key name which is used in error messages.

Schema.meta(metadata: object): Schema​

Adds to a metadata object, useful for storing data with a schema, that doesn't belong the cast object itself.

Schema.describe(options?: ResolveOptions): SchemaDescription​

Collects schema details (like meta, labels, and active tests) into a serializable description object.

const schema = object({
name: string().required(),

const description = schema.describe();

For schema with dynamic components (references, lazy, or conditions), describe requires more context to accurately return the schema description. In these cases provide options

import { ref, object, string, boolean } from 'yup';

let schema = object({
isBig: boolean(),
count: number().when('isBig', {
is: true,
then: (schema) => schema.min(5),
otherwise: (schema) => schema.min(0),

schema.describe({ value: { isBig: true } });

And below is are the description types, which differ a bit depending on the schema type.

interface SchemaDescription {
type: string;
label?: string;
meta: object | undefined;
oneOf: unknown[];
notOneOf: unknown[];
nullable: boolean;
optional: boolean;
tests: Array<{ name?: string; params: ExtraParams | undefined }>;

// Present on object schema descriptions
fields: Record<string, SchemaFieldDescription>;

// Present on array schema descriptions
innerType?: SchemaFieldDescription;

type SchemaFieldDescription =
| SchemaDescription
| SchemaRefDescription
| SchemaLazyDescription;

interface SchemaRefDescription {
type: 'ref';
key: string;

interface SchemaLazyDescription {
type: string;
label?: string;
meta: object | undefined;

Schema.concat(schema: Schema): Schema​

Creates a new instance of the schema by combining two schemas. Only schemas of the same type can be concatenated. concat is not a "merge" function in the sense that all settings from the provided schema, override ones in the base, including type, presence and nullability.


// produces the equivalent to:


Schema.validate(value: any, options?: object): Promise<InferType<Schema>, ValidationError>​

Returns the parses and validates an input value, returning the parsed value or throwing an error. This method is asynchronous and returns a Promise object, that is fulfilled with the value, or rejected with a ValidationError.

value = await schema.validate({ name: 'jimmy', age: 24 });

Provide options to more specifically control the behavior of validate.

interface Options {
// when true, parsing is skipped an the input is validated "as-is"
strict: boolean = false;
// Throw on the first error or collect and return all
abortEarly: boolean = true;
// Remove unspecified keys from objects
stripUnknown: boolean = false;
// when `false` validations will be preformed shallowly
recursive: boolean = true;
// External values that can be provided to validations and conditionals
context?: object;

Schema.validateSync(value: any, options?: object): InferType<Schema>​

Runs validatations synchronously if possible and returns the resulting value, or throws a ValidationError. Accepts all the same options as validate.

Synchronous validation only works if there are no configured async tests, e.g tests that return a Promise. For instance this will work:

let schema = number().test(
"this isn't the number i want",
(value) => value != 42,

schema.validateSync(23); // throws ValidationError

however this will not:

let schema = number().test('is-42', "this isn't the number i want", (value) =>
Promise.resolve(value != 42),

schema.validateSync(42); // throws Error

Schema.validateAt(path: string, value: any, options?: object): Promise<InferType<Schema>, ValidationError>​

Validate a deeply nested path within the schema. Similar to how reach works, but uses the resulting schema as the subject for validation.

Note! The value here is the root value relative to the starting schema, not the value at the nested path.

let schema = object({
foo: array().of(
loose: boolean(),
bar: string().when('loose', {
is: true,
otherwise: (schema) => schema.strict(),

let rootValue = {
foo: [{ bar: 1 }, { bar: 1, loose: true }],

await schema.validateAt('foo[0].bar', rootValue); // => ValidationError: must be a string

await schema.validateAt('foo[1].bar', rootValue); // => '1'

Schema.validateSyncAt(path: string, value: any, options?: object): InferType<Schema>​

Same as validateAt but synchronous.

Schema.isValid(value: any, options?: object): Promise<boolean>​

Returns true when the passed in value matches the schema. isValid is asynchronous and returns a Promise object.

Takes the same options as validate().

Schema.isValidSync(value: any, options?: object): boolean​

Synchronously returns true when the passed in value matches the schema.

Takes the same options as validateSync() and has the same caveats around async tests.

Schema.cast(value: any, options = {}): InferType<Schema>​

Attempts to coerce the passed in value to a value that matches the schema. For example: '5' will cast to 5 when using the number() type. Failed casts generally return null, but may also return results like NaN and unexpected strings.

Provide options to more specifically control the behavior of validate.

interface CastOptions<TContext extends {}> {
// Remove undefined properties from objects
stripUnknown: boolean = false;

// Throws a TypeError if casting doesn't produce a valid type
// note that the TS return type is inaccurate when this is `false`, use with caution
assert?: boolean = true;

// External values that used to resolve conditions and references
context?: TContext;

Schema.isType(value: any): value is InferType<Schema>​

Runs a type check against the passed in value. It returns true if it matches, it does not cast the value. When nullable() is set null is considered a valid value of the type. You should use isType for all Schema type checks.

Schema.strict(enabled: boolean = false): Schema​

Sets the strict option to true. Strict schemas skip coercion and transformation attempts, validating the value "as is".

Schema.strip(enabled: boolean = true): Schema​

Marks a schema to be removed from an output object. Only works as a nested schema.

let schema = object({
useThis: number(),
notThis: string().strip(),

schema.cast({ notThis: 'foo', useThis: 4 }); // => { useThis: 4 }

Schema with strip enabled have an inferred type of never, allowing them to be removed from the overall type:

let schema = object({
useThis: number(),
notThis: string().strip(),

InferType<typeof schema>; /*
useThis?: number | undefined

Schema.withMutation(builder: (current: Schema) => void): void​

First the legally required Rich Hickey quote:

If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?

If a pure function mutates some local data in order to produce an immutable return value, is that ok?

withMutation allows you to mutate the schema in place, instead of the default behavior which clones before each change. Generally this isn't necessary since the vast majority of schema changes happen during the initial declaration, and only happen once over the lifetime of the schema, so performance isn't an issue. However certain mutations do occur at cast/validation time, (such as conditional schema using when()), or when instantiating a schema object.

.shape({ key: string() })
.withMutation((schema) => {
return arrayOfObjectTests.forEach((test) => {

Schema.default(value: any): Schema​

Sets a default value to use when the value is undefined. Defaults are created after transformations are executed, but before validations, to help ensure that safe defaults are specified. The default value will be cloned on each use, which can incur performance penalty for objects and arrays. To avoid this overhead you can also pass a function that returns a new default. Note that null is considered a separate non-empty value.


yup.object.default({ number: 5 }); // object will be cloned every time a default is needed

yup.object.default(() => ({ number: 5 })); // this is cheaper => new Date()); // also helpful for defaults that change over time

Schema.getDefault(options?: object): Any​

Retrieve a previously set default value. getDefault will resolve any conditions that may alter the default. Optionally pass options with context (for more info on context see Schema.validate).

Schema.nullable(): Schema​

Indicates that null is a valid value for the schema. Without nullable() null is treated as a different type and will fail Schema.isType() checks.

const schema = number().nullable()

schema.cast(null); // null

InferType<typeof schema> // number | null

Schema.nonNullable(): Schema​

The opposite of nullable, removes null from valid type values for the schema. Schema are non nullable by default.

const schema = number().nonNullable()

schema.cast(null); // TypeError

InferType<typeof schema> // number

Schema.defined(): Schema​

Require a value for the schema. All field values apart from undefined meet this requirement.

const schema = string().defined()

schema.cast(undefined); // TypeError

InferType<typeof schema> // string

Schema.optional(): Schema​

The opposite of defined() allows undefined values for the given type.

const schema = string().optional()

schema.cast(undefined); // undefined

InferType<typeof schema> // string | undefined

Schema.required(message?: string | function): Schema​

Mark the schema as required, which will not allow undefined or null as a value. required negates the effects of calling optional() and nullable()

Watch out! string().required) works a little different and additionally prevents empty string values ('') when required.

Schema.notRequired(): Schema Alias: optional()​

Mark the schema as not required. This is a shortcut for schema.nonNullable().defined();

Schema.typeError(message: string): Schema​

Define an error message for failed type checks. The ${value} and ${type} interpolation can be used in the message argument.

Schema.oneOf(arrayOfValues: Array<any>, message?: string | function): Schema Alias: equals​

Only allow values from set of values. Values added are removed from any notOneOf values if present. The ${values} interpolation can be used in the message argument. If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.

Note that undefined does not fail this validator, even when undefined is not included in arrayOfValues. If you don't want undefined to be a valid value, you can use Schema.required.

let schema = yup.mixed().oneOf(['jimmy', 42]);

await schema.isValid(42); // => true
await schema.isValid('jimmy'); // => true
await schema.isValid(new Date()); // => false

Schema.notOneOf(arrayOfValues: Array<any>, message?: string | function)​

Disallow values from a set of values. Values added are removed from oneOf values if present. The ${values} interpolation can be used in the message argument. If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.

let schema = yup.mixed().notOneOf(['jimmy', 42]);

await schema.isValid(42); // => false
await schema.isValid(new Date()); // => true

Schema.when(keys: string | string[], builder: object | (values: any[], schema) => Schema): Schema​

Adjust the schema based on a sibling or sibling children fields. You can provide an object literal where the key is is value or a matcher function, then provides the true schema and/or otherwise for the failure condition.

is conditions are strictly compared (===) if you want to use a different form of equality you can provide a function like: is: (value) => value == true.

You can also prefix properties with $ to specify a property that is dependent on context passed in by validate() or cast instead of the input value.

when conditions are additive.

let schema = object({
isBig: boolean(),
count: number()
.when('isBig', {
is: true, // alternatively: (val) => val == true
then: (schema) => schema.min(5),
otherwise: (schema) => schema.min(0),
.when('$other', ([other], schema) =>
other === 4 ? schema.max(6) : schema,

await schema.validate(value, { context: { other: 4 } });

You can also specify more than one dependent key, in which case each value will be spread as an argument.

let schema = object({
isSpecial: boolean(),
isBig: boolean(),
count: number().when(['isBig', 'isSpecial'], {
is: true, // alternatively: (isBig, isSpecial) => isBig && isSpecial
then: (schema) => schema..min(5),
otherwise: (schema) => schema..min(0),

await schema.validate({
isBig: true,
isSpecial: true,
count: 10,

Alternatively you can provide a function that returns a schema, called with an array of values for each provided key the current schema.

let schema = yup.object({
isBig: yup.boolean(),
count: yup.number().when('isBig', ([isBig], schema) => {
return isBig ? schema.min(5) : schema.min(0);

await schema.validate({ isBig: false, count: 4 });

Schema.test(name: string, message: string | function | any, test: function): Schema​

Adds a test function to the validation chain. Tests are run after any object is cast. Many types have some tests built in, but you can create custom ones easily. In order to allow asynchronous custom validations all (or no) tests are run asynchronously. A consequence of this is that test execution order cannot be guaranteed.

All tests must provide a name, an error message and a validation function that must return true when the current value is valid and false or a ValidationError otherwise. To make a test async return a promise that resolves true or false or a ValidationError.

For the message argument you can provide a string which will interpolate certain values if specified using the ${param} syntax. By default all test messages are passed a path value which is valuable in nested schemas.

The test function is called with the current value. For more advanced validations you can use the alternate signature to provide more options (see below):

let jimmySchema = string().test(
'${path} is not Jimmy',
(value, context) => value === 'jimmy',

// or make it async by returning a promise
let asyncJimmySchema = string().test(
'${path} is not Jimmy',
async (value, testContext) => (await fetch('/is-jimmy/' + value)).responseText === 'true',

await schema.isValid('jimmy'); // => true
await schema.isValid('john'); // => false

Test functions are called with a special context value, as the second argument, that exposes some useful metadata and functions. For non arrow functions, the test context is also set as the function this. Watch out, if you access it via this it won't work in an arrow function.

  • testContext.path: the string path of the current validation
  • testContext.schema: the resolved schema object that the test is running against.
  • testContext.options: the options object that validate() or isValid() was called with
  • testContext.parent: in the case of nested schema, this is the value of the parent object
  • testContext.originalValue: the original value that is being tested
  • testContext.createError(Object: { path: String, message: String, params: Object }): create and return a validation error. Useful for dynamically setting the path, params, or more likely, the error message. If either option is omitted it will use the current path, or default message.

Schema.test(options: object): Schema​

Alternative test(..) signature. options is an object containing some of the following options:

Options = {
// unique name identifying the test
name: string;
// test function, determines schema validity
test: (value: any) => boolean;
// the validation error message
message: string;
// values passed to message for interpolation
params: ?object;
// mark the test as exclusive, meaning only one test of the same name can be active at once
exclusive: boolean = false;

In the case of mixing exclusive and non-exclusive tests the following logic is used. If a non-exclusive test is added to a schema with an exclusive test of the same name the exclusive test is removed and further tests of the same name will be stacked.

If an exclusive test is added to a schema with non-exclusive tests of the same name the previous tests are removed and further tests of the same name will replace each other.

let max = 64;
let schema = yup.string().test({
name: 'max',
exclusive: true,
params: { max },
message: '${path} must be less than ${max} characters',
test: (value) => value == null || value.length <= max,

Schema.transform((currentValue: any, originalValue: any) => any): Schema​

Adds a transformation to the transform chain. Transformations are central to the casting process, default transforms for each type coerce values to the specific type (as verified by isType()). transforms are run before validations and only applied when the schema is not marked as strict (the default). Some types have built in transformations.

Transformations are useful for arbitrarily altering how the object is cast, however, you should take care not to mutate the passed in value. Transforms are run sequentially so each value represents the current state of the cast, you can use the originalValue param if you need to work on the raw initial value.

let schema = string().transform((value, originalvalue) => {
return this.isType(value) && value !== null ? value.toUpperCase() : value;

schema.cast('jimmy'); // => 'JIMMY'

Each types will handle basic coercion of values to the proper type for you, but occasionally you may want to adjust or refine the default behavior. For example, if you wanted to use a different date parsing strategy than the default one you could do that with a transform.

module.exports = function (formats = 'MMM dd, yyyy') {
return date().transform((value, originalValue, context) => {
// check to see if the previous transform already parsed the date
if (context.isType(value)) return value;

// the default coercion failed so let's try it with Moment.js instead
value = Moment(originalValue, formats);

// if it's valid return the date object, otherwise return an `InvalidDate`
return value.isValid() ? value.toDate() : new Date('');